The First Thing: A New Blog Series

The First Thing To Know: ” seemed like a reasonable way to post a short commentary without having to qualify (research) or provide any other responsible rationale for same commentary other than to open the overarching umbrella (disclaimer, really) that my blog comments are strictly my own opinion.  This is a given.

Given: Aside from the obvious physical and biological processes at work, our self-awareness seems to operate as a separate function that seems as though it materialized from an infinity we know absolutely nothing about. Once “here,” we have a brief existence as individual entities.  During the interval, a lot of training seems to take place, then we appear to pass into another, possibly final, infinity — again, one that we know absolutely nothing about. Filling in the time between those goal-posts with personal observations seems as good a choice of expression as any. Readers can expect to get what they pay for …and a tip of the old cap.

Coming Soon! The next time the urge hits, plus, hopefully, an updated 21st Century photo.