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Shame on You, PBS!

I just listened to the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) “News” team throw shade on President Biden’s heartfelt goodbye speech and couldn’t help but note how pointedly mean-spirited those smug assholes are. With their ivy-league bona fides, I can only marvel at their waste of a fine education!

There was a time when PBS’s MacNeil-Leherer Report was the gold standard for journalistic integrity. So how did PBS go from MacNeil, Bill Moyers and Gwen Ifil to today’s smarmy, both-sides opinion machine with a decidedly conservative, near-right top-spin?

Tomorrow, readers, I’ll forego tuning in for their elite soccer-mom journalism. I suspect Judy Woodruff will replay the both-sides drivel about showing niceness and civility toward the drunk insurrectionist MAGA uncles. “Hey! Let’s normalize that!”       Continue reading