ate her

Shame on You, PBS!

I just listened to the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) “News” team throw shade on President Biden’s heartfelt goodbye speech and couldn’t help but note how pointedly mean-spirited those smug assholes are. With their ivy-league bona fides, I can only marvel at their waste of a fine education!

There was a time when PBS’s MacNeil-Leherer Report was the gold standard for journalistic integrity. So how did PBS go from MacNeil, Bill Moyers and Gwen Ifil to today’s smarmy, both-sides opinion machine with a decidedly conservative, near-right top-spin?

Tomorrow, readers, I’ll forego tuning in for their elite soccer-mom journalism. I suspect Judy Woodruff will replay the both-sides drivel about showing niceness and civility toward the drunk insurrectionist MAGA uncles. “Hey! Let’s normalize that!”      

Maybe they already sit at Judy’s dinner table; but while she does that voodoo that she do, I’m going to research the well-documented history of biased news reporting at PBS. Warning: It will probably make you mad to know that four sitting members of the CPB Board of Directors are Trump appointees and two are George W’s …so, two of the worst presidents in our history have embedded partisan weasels in our hen house? I hope to regale readers with the story of an ethically-challenged Republican Speaker of the House from Georgia, who had eighty-four ethics charges filed against him during his term, and his role in this. I usually don’t research or footnote my blog posts, but PBS has a long history of abusing the public trust — they’re overdue for their comeuppance, but expect a far-right Trump dictatorship to immediately seize PBS, making it the official communications arm of The State.

The PBS “Newsteam’s” shameful  mistreatment of a sitting President of the United States — in this case, a heartfelt man of honor trying to say something he deemed important —  should make Americans furious …unless you are a shameless Republican tool.

So I’ll be looking straight at you, PBS. I have more to say about the gradual privatization of a once-public resource …into a privately controlled corporate entity with a right-wing majority of appointed members sitting on the PBS board of directors — baked into their architecture by The Orange Bloviator himself.