That’s Not Who We Are As A Nation?
You might wonder what Donald Trump thinks (pardon the apparent oxymoron) in his squirming, saurian brain, about crazy Republican children running around with assault rifles now that one of them shot him; but I suspect he has a bumper-sticker perspective, as always. Incredibly, Trump’s sycophants are blaming Democrats for the shooting because they’re talking about a palpable, real global fear of a brutal Trump dictatorship allied with the New Axis of Evil. They don’t want the Democrats to talk about that because it must be hurting them at the polls.
Republican apologist and both-sides journalism hack Judy Woodruff at PBS wants you to understand your drunk MAGA uncle’s feelings. She wants you to seat him at the head of your table at Thanksgiving again. She thinks Trump’s shooting isn’t who we are as a people, or as as a nation. I’ve got a news flash for Ms Woodruff: Shooting an ex-president is, in fact, exactly who we are as a people, and as a nation.
Right-wing terrorism is precisely who we are and have always been. In fact, our colonial militia invented the concept of the concealed sniper while targeting British officers during the Revolutionary War. The British rightfully considered snipers cowardly; however, they underestimated our American nirthright: The ability to rationalize anything outrageous and incorporate it into our national fist-pumping hypocrisy.
I will spare you the list of famous people who have been gunned down by crazy Americans and skip down to the bottom line: No, Judy, that really is who we are.