Thank You For Your Service, Joe.
You’ve done an okay job, Mr. Biden: You brought America back onto the world stage as an almost-trusted partner again; brought stability to the Oval Office, and did a reasonable job of handling our economy. Americans are also indebted to you for slightly delaying the ongoing fascist coup …until the next election; but your handling of the Ukraine War has been too little-too late… and next to no one supports your policy on the Israeli War (not even the Israelis). You claim good things for infrastructure, though most people, including myself, haven’t seen it yet. While an unfavorable media environment set the stage, you are a very unpopular president because your style of consensus building and bi-partisan co-operation are an anachronism that reflects a bygone era. When you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. When you compromise a sane policy with extremists, the result is worse policy, not better.
You obviously feel like you have a lot of miles left in the tank …but you don’t. Your nation is engaged in an epic, global battle of wits and endurance …and you’re eighty-plus. There are good reasons we’ve never had an eighty-five year old president.
Democrats watched in slow-motion horror as Ruth Bader Ginsberg clawed and grasped after more power until the very end. It cost America Roe v.s Wade. With a little push, it might cost us our democracy.
In your recent debate, we watched in horror as you misspoke, mumbled, and had McConnell-sized minutes in the ozone. Mitch hit his head and had a concussion as his excuse, but Presidential debates matter, Mr Biden. Continue reading