The First Thing to Know: Presidential Immunity
The first thing to know about Presidential Immunity is that it places an undue burden on me as an American citizen to explain how we have ended up being so poorly served by our nation’s highest court …and just when we really need the institution to function as designed the most. We are nearing the potential end of our Republic, if you read the mainstream media feeds — they may be right, in no small measure because middle-America fell asleep sometime in the late fifties and a number of small, right-wing political cabals like the John Birch Society proselytized with a dog whistle and a vengance. They created hardened and true believers that blossomed into a faction that, today, controls state and local politics in most so-called “Red” states; though to be fair, recruiting to an extreme right-wing cause in Texas is like clubbing fish in a barrel: most of the hard work has already been done for you. Continue reading