The First Thing: Women’s World Cup Soccer

The first thing to know about Women’s World Cup Soccer is that it’s one of the most imminently watchable sporting events of our times. In a chess game of extreme endurance and skill, the women players work it out for 90 minutes of flat-out running — passing balls with the kind of nimble showmanship the Harlem Globe Trotters may want to scout for new talent in the future.  Another fine point is that, compared to men’s soccer, the ladies don’t waste their time or yours with the non-stop penalty histrionics associated with the men’s game.  While men’s soccer failed to capture and hold my interest, the ladies play a game anyone of any age can root for.  The final selling point is that commercial advertisers don’t buy ad spots during soccer games on television because soccer is pertty much non-stop, with almost no breaks for ad insertion.

One last thing, though: The women seem to be asking for equal pay. I say give it to ’em. Watch the women play a World Cup series and I think you’ll agree!