Boris Johnson: Striking Fear into Putin’s Heart of Darkness

Sarcasm Alert: So many Russian oligarchs own high-value real estate and launder their money through shell companies in Britain that London has been called “Moscow on the Thames” since the Margaret Thatcher era of the mid-1980s. Remember when Ronnie Reagan was “tearing down that wall?” As usually happens when a society undergoes a hard-right turn toward ultra-conservative ideology, the political shift went hand-in-hand with corruption, first permeating their politics, then polluting their society. In London, corruption occurred on a scale that made the city irresistible to the Russian business racketeers / KGB spies that became known as “The Oligarchs.” Suffice it to say that the Russian Oligarchs purchased Great Britain from its politicians down to the cobblestones, and, as a result, they have become the proud owners of a spanking pink, slightly ruffled, 250-pound baby: Boris Johnson. I’m pretty sure Vladimir Putin looks at Boris’ toothless lip-service to Ukraine sanctions and finds this amusing.      Continue reading

Gort! Klaatu Barada Nickto Fly Zone

As the brave Ukrainian People fight for their country and their lives, I support the creation of a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine …and over Russia itself if they give us any trouble. Would it be the beginning of World War III? We can examine the calculus later in the post, but for now, consider: When a brutal thug threatens the rest of the world with nuclear war, that act, in and of itself, suggests that sooner or later the other nations of the world will have to step in and take Putin’s nuclear weapons away from him. If we are going to have to disarm Putin (and sooner or later, someone will have to disarm him) …well, sooner makes more sense and saves more lives than later. Today, Russia’s military is over-extended and relatively weak. Their account at the International Bank of Goodwill is overdrawn, and the entire world stands aghast at their crude land-grab.     Continue reading