Is Ukraine Really “Putin’s War?”

The First World War broke the back of the world’s ruling family.  Originally calling themselves Gods-Ceasars-Kings & Emperors, the global Hohenzollern family came into its full fruition after the ruling aristocracy of Spain intermarried into the Teutonic branch. After Spain and what was to become modern Germany traded ruling relatives, their family members simultaneously ruled England, France, Spain, Germany, Iran, Russia, and others all born into Emperor roles.  That same inbred family still occupies titular roles in monarchies to this very day.

The ridiculous notion that any ruler is actually a divine descendant of our sun goes back a long, long way in time and lasted until World War I destroyed the iron-clad grip with which those kingdoms had ruled their peoples. The war also destroyed forever the belief in the divine nature of the Hohenzollern’s and their empirical ambitions… well, almost.  

That same World War saw Russian Czar Nicholas Romanov II pitted against his cousins, Germany’s von Hindenburg family and the English Royals.  Germany and it’s allies were crushed;  an uneasy peace followed.  Russia was originally an ally of Germany at the start of the war, before Hitler double-crossed his ally.  The Russian people managed to escape the worst ot the devastating impact of World War I due to the outbreak of the Russian Revolution (which Germany actively supported); nevertheless, the revolution ended the rule of the Romanov in Russia, but neither the Germans nor the Allies ever actually fought, much less destroyed, Russia; rather, Russia emerged with a different type of destruction: A nominally different type of government — but with the Romanov dreams of Empire intact.

Joseph Stalin’s Russia and Adolf Hitler’s Germany were corporate partners in carving-up Europe into slave states; partners in the mass murders of millions of Jews.  As to Stalin’s genocide in Russia, it’s a toss-up as to which of the two had the higher body count. Hitler or Stalin.  We can note that after Hitler stabbed his old ally in the back, Russia formed up behind Stalin 100%. In point of fact, many Russians said they would like to have Stalin back in power even today. That’s not an historical anecdote we in the West should take lightly; rather, it should tell us that the Russian people don’t give a fig about democracy.  Everything the Russian people have done since the wall came down suggests that the average, everyday “Ivan”  has never given up the dream of Russia being a powerful empire and colonizer.  As a result , their governments tend toward an annexation-nation model that continues to have colonial ambitions.  When our pundits analyze Putin’s mob-ocracy, we in the west forget that he really does rule with the full consent and support of the Russian people; in fact, he’s as popular as ever since his bloody Ukraine fiasco began well over a year ago.  As the common Russian citizen  sees it, Putin has his job and the Russian people have theirs:  As long as the money from oil, minerals, and global criminal enterprise keeps money, goods, and services rolling into Russia, the majority of Russians are pleased as punch to have a Bond villain lead the syndicate.

So if you’re waiting for the Russian people or the oligarchs to throw Mr. Putin to the mercy of the Hague or kill him…   well, you’re probably going to wait for the rest of his natural life. Will the people overthrow Putin?  I don’t think it will ever happen:   There is no will in Russia to do so. I have never agreed with anything Ronald Reagan ever said save this: “Russia is an Evil Empire.”

Ukraine isn’t “Putin’s War,” it’s “The Russian People’s War.”  While Vladimir Putin may be their capo di tutti i capi today,  the Russian people are the real muscle behind his geopolitical designs.

And when Putin is gone? The Russian people will simply support their next capo di tutti i capi.