5600° Kelvin: Blazing White Privilege

White privilege poster girl Taylor Swift claims she isn’t making enough money from Ticketmaster, so I’m searching for my bow instrument; you know, the one that claimed to be the world’s tiniest violin when I bought it? Well, Boo…hoo…hoo… Poor little bazillionaire Taylor. Cheer up, little Taylor! While our nation now faces many real and pressing existential questions about the future of our civilization, we can all  rest easy knowing that sitting Senator Amy Klobuchar has enough free time in her busy schedule to launch a full Senate Investigation of Ticketmaster to find out why they are being so mean to a poor little white girl. If the investigation doesn’t pan out, at least we know what music Senator Amy listens to while she is supposed to be attending to our nation’s most important issues, but isn’t. For the record, I recall how close this craven opportunist came to a presidential nomination shortly after running the Minnesota clown car over Al Franken. She didn’t even come close to the nomination, you say? …well, that’s still way too close for my taste. While I prefer not to have her as my President, I am nonetheless grateful for what she’s taught us about America:

As long as there is even a single, solitary rich, privileged corporate media property like Ms Swift out there snivelling about how unfair life has been to them, Global Warming can just damn well wait …right President Klobuchar?