Elon Musk: Pasty Face of a Nerd Insurrection

Elon Musk, the spoiled, pasty-faced son of a wealthy South Afrikan mining family, is rumored to be buying Twitter with investor money, but very little of his own. Most of the money is said to be put up by invisible shell company investors. I’m sure Vladimir Putin can’t wait to have Trump back on Twitter just about now — he seems to be holding out in Ukraine desperately hoping that the U.S. Republican Party will withdraw support for Ukraine after the mid-terms, and with Trump back on Twitter it might be just enough social misinformation to put him over the top; and if Trump and the Republicans win their elections in 2024, it’s game over for Ukraine. Is Musk planning to host Donald Trump’s incessant drivel to boost his Twitter profits and help his shadowy investors at the possible expense of your freedom? …well, duh, of course he is!

Unfortunately, people stop telling you you’re an asshole to your face if you’re rich enough; and without an honest feedback loop to keep the rich kid tethered to reality, the brat will careen through the china shop throwing rocks (a flock of accountants following at heel will pay for the broken saucers).

Another of Musk’s favorite topics is cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency could threaten the stability of the U.S. dollar (the World Bank reserve currency). Your and your children’s quality of life in a free and open democratic society depends on the strength of the dollar …so naturally Musk is an advocate of cryptocurrency (which has the potential to undermine the aforementioned dollar and turn us into Venezuela). Musk either thinks we haven’t figured out that cryptocurrency is a Ponzii scheme, or he doesn’t care if we know; however, I think what he really advocates is chaos for its sheer intrinsic disruptive value because he doesn’t want to be regulated like you and I are. Tear down the government and the government regulations go away, right?  In fact, Musk seems to advocate a lot of things that will ultimately downgrade the quality of your life while improving his own because he doesn’t want to be regulated so he can make even more money. Can you say, “Sociopath?”

The twenty-first century may well be the “Age of the Billionaire Sociopaths.” I realize that this is patently unfair to Jeff Bezos and several other wealthy Americans who are decent enough people, many of whom actually do good works that won’t destroy our country …yet Musk persists in throwing stones from inside our glass house. Mr. Musk could really use an honest feedback loop right about now.

If people like Mr. Musk have their way, you will be hanging mandatory state portraits of Emperor Donald Trump II and Queen Ivanka in your living room, and you will hang them in-between the larger portraits of Elon Musk and the other large portraits of Elon Musk.

Oh well, I wasn’t planning on buying a Tesla or rocketing to space any time soon anyway.