Fuck ‘Em Award: We have a winner!
Selecting the “Fuck ‘Em Award” winner for this month was a tough one. With perennial favorites like Adolf Hitler, Mitch McConnell, Vladimir Putin, and Joe Manchin always in the running as top candidates, it seemed like some new rules were needed to give other erstwhile candidates a chance — it would be unfair to choose the same winners over and over. Besides, both Hitler and McConnell are already “Lifetime Achievement” winners; therefore, this month’s newest contestant and the winner for May, 2022 is …drum roll please…
The United States Supreme Court!
Apparently, the “leaked” opinion surprised someone. Maybe that “someone” missed the opinion when it rolled out of Mr. Kavanaugh’s diaper during the shadow docket hearing back in January. If you missed the court’s oral arguments at the time, make no mistake: The Supreme Court goes to great lengths to ensure that the public knows as little as possible about the shadow docket.
“Dark John” Roberts and the radical conservatives on the court are already very aware how angry it would make most Americans to watch the process of justices cherry-picking right-wing causes in cases they want to promote. They know it will make you mad …they just don’t care. They’re going to find a test case that will let them satirize stare decisis, and gut Roe vs Wade.
Well, they don’t call it the “shadow” docket for nothing, so if you’re one of the 286 million Americans who missed “Coke-Can” Thomas and the other “conservatives” planning their attack on Roe during the shadow docket arguments …Surprise!!!
You may be asking “Where do we get weasels like Roberts and his wrecking crew of Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett?” …or you may not be asking at all because you already know the answer: A very stable orange genius and a Bush Dynasty dummy president. I wish you had asked the question sooner, but we all caught a break because nothing happened to John Roberts health while “Grabby Haines” was president …else you would be getting this news from Chief Justice Rick Perry and a majority opinion from the “The Three Amigos.”
If you haven’t read my March post Clarence Thomas: Classic or Pube Zero, scroll down and check it out now.